CP Built-in Functions CheatSheet


Brahmāstra: Part - 1

Table of Contents

  1. Mathematics & Number Theory
  2. Arrays
  3. ArrayList
  4. StringBuilder
  5. Strings
  6. Wrapper Classes
  7. LinkedList
  8. Stack
  9. Queue/Deque
  10. Recursion Patterns

Mathematics & Number Theory

Built-in Math Methods

// Basic Mathematical Operations
Math.max(a, b)         // Maximum of two numbers
Math.min(a, b)         // Minimum of two numbers
Math.abs(n)            // Absolute value
Math.pow(a, b)         // Power operation
Math.sqrt(n)           // Square root
Math.cbrt(n)           // Cube root
// Rounding Operations
Math.ceil(n)           // Round up to nearest integer
Math.floor(n)          // Round down to nearest integer
Math.round(n)          // Round to nearest integer
// Logarithmic Operations
Math.log(n)            // Natural logarithm
Math.log10(n)          // Base-10 logarithm
Math.exp(n)            // e raised to power n
// Other Utility Methods
Math.random()          // Random number between 0.0 and 1.0
Math.hypot(x, y)       // Sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
Math.toDegrees(rad)    // Radians to degrees
Math.toRadians(deg)    // Degrees to radians

Trigonometric Functions

Math.sin(x)            // Sine
Math.cos(x)            // Cosine
Math.tan(x)            // Tangent
Math.asin(x)           // Arc sine
Math.acos(x)           // Arc cosine
Math.atan(x)           // Arc tangent
Math.atan2(y, x)       // Arc tangent of y/x

Common Number Theory Algorithms

// Prime number check
boolean isPrime(int n) {
    if (n < 2) return false;
    for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
        if (n % i == 0) return false;
    return true;
// GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)
int gcd(int a, int b) {
    return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b);
// LCM (Least Common Multiple)
int lcm(int a, int b) {
    return (a * b) / gcd(a, b);
// Fast Power (Binary Exponentiation)
long power(long base, long exp, long mod) {
    long result = 1;
    base %= mod;
    while (exp > 0) {
        if ((exp & 1) == 1)
            result = (result * base) % mod;
        base = (base * base) % mod;
        exp >>= 1;
    return result;


Array Operations

// Basic Array Operations
Arrays.sort(arr)                     // Sort array
Arrays.sort(arr, fromIndex, toIndex) // Sort array range
Arrays.sort(arr, Collections.reverseOrder())  // Sort descending
Arrays.sort(arr, (a,b) -> b-a)      // Custom comparator
// Searching and Filling
Arrays.binarySearch(arr, key)        // Binary search
Arrays.fill(arr, value)             // Fill array
// Array Manipulation
Arrays.copyOf(arr, newLength)       // Create copy
Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, from, to)   // Copy range
Arrays.equals(arr1, arr2)           // Compare arrays
Arrays.deepEquals(arr1, arr2)       // Compare nested arrays
// Conversion Methods
Arrays.toString(arr)                // Convert to string
Arrays.deepToString(arr)            // Convert nested array
Arrays.asList(arr)                  // Convert to List
Arrays.stream(arr)                  // Create stream
// Advanced Operations
Arrays.parallelSort(arr)            // Parallel sort


Basic Operations

// Adding Elements
list.add(element)               // Add element
list.add(index, element)       // Add at index
list.addAll(collection)        // Add all elements
// Accessing and Modifying
list.get(index)                // Get element
list.set(index, element)       // Set element
list.remove(index)             // Remove by index
list.remove(Object)            // Remove object
list.clear()                   // Remove all
// Information Methods
list.size()                    // Get size
list.isEmpty()                 // Check if empty
list.contains(object)          // Check existence
list.indexOf(object)           // First occurrence
list.lastIndexOf(object)       // Last occurrence
// Conversion Methods
list.toArray()                 // Convert to array
list.toArray(new Type[0])      // Convert to typed array
list.subList(from, to)         // Get sublist view

Sorting Operations

Collections.sort(list)                    // Sort ascending
Collections.sort(list, Collections.reverseOrder())  // Sort descending
Collections.sort(list, comparator)        // Custom sort
Collections.reverse(list)                 // Reverse list
Collections.shuffle(list)                 // Shuffle list
Collections.binarySearch(list, key)       // Binary search


String Building Operations

// Construction and Appending
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(str)                 // Add string
sb.append(char)               // Add character
sb.insert(offset, str)        // Insert at position
// Modification Methods
sb.delete(start, end)         // Delete range
sb.deleteCharAt(index)        // Delete character
sb.reverse()                  // Reverse string
sb.replace(start, end, str)   // Replace range
// Access Methods
sb.substring(start, end)      // Get substring
sb.charAt(index)              // Get character
sb.length()                   // Get length
sb.setLength(newLength)       // Set length
sb.indexOf(str)               // Find string
// Conversion
sb.toString()                 // Convert to String
sb.setCharAt(index, char)     // Set character


String Operations

// Basic Operations
str.length()                  // Length
str.charAt(index)             // Get character
str.substring(start)          // Substring from start
str.substring(start, end)     // Substring range
// Searching Methods
str.indexOf(str)              // Find first occurrence
str.lastIndexOf(str)          // Find last occurrence
str.contains(str)             // Check if contains
str.startsWith(prefix)        // Check prefix
str.endsWith(suffix)          // Check suffix
// Case Conversion
str.toLowerCase()             // Convert to lowercase
str.toUpperCase()             // Convert to uppercase
str.trim()                    // Remove whitespace
// Modification Methods
str.replace(old, new)         // Replace all occurrences
str.replaceAll(regex, repl)   // Replace with regex
str.split(regex)              // Split to array
str.join(delimiter, elements) // Join elements
// Pattern Matching
str.matches(regex)            // Match regex
// Conversion Methods
str.toCharArray()             // Convert to char array
// Comparison Methods
str.compareTo(str2)           // Compare strings
str.equals(str2)              // Check equality
str.equalsIgnoreCase(str2)    // Case-insensitive equals

Wrapper Classes

Integer Operations

// Conversion Methods
Integer.parseInt(str)          // String to int
Integer.toString(num)          // Int to String
Integer.valueOf(str)           // String to Integer object
// Bit Operations
Integer.bitCount(n)            // Count set bits
Integer.highestOneBit(n)      // Highest set bit
Integer.lowestOneBit(n)       // Lowest set bit
// Constants
Integer.MAX_VALUE             // Maximum value
Integer.MIN_VALUE             // Minimum value

Character Operations

// Character Checking
Character.isDigit(ch)         // Check if digit
Character.isLetter(ch)        // Check if letter
Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) // Check alphanumeric
Character.isWhitespace(ch)    // Check whitespace
Character.isUpperCase(ch)     // Check uppercase
Character.isLowerCase(ch)     // Check lowercase
// Case Conversion
Character.toUpperCase(ch)     // Convert to uppercase
Character.toLowerCase(ch)     // Convert to lowercase


LinkedList Operations

// Adding Elements
list.add(element)             // Add at end
list.addFirst(element)        // Add at start
list.addLast(element)         // Add at end
// Removing Elements
list.remove(element)          // Remove element
list.removeFirst()            // Remove from start
list.removeLast()             // Remove from end
// Accessing Elements
list.getFirst()               // Get first element
list.getLast()                // Get last element
list.peek()                   // View first element
list.peekFirst()             // View first element
list.peekLast()              // View last element
// Queue-like Operations
list.poll()                   // Remove and return first
list.pollFirst()             // Remove and return first
list.pollLast()              // Remove and return last
list.offer(element)           // Add at end
list.offerFirst(element)      // Add at start
list.offerLast(element)       // Add at end


Stack Operations

// Basic Operations
stack.push(element)           // Add element
stack.pop()                   // Remove and return top
stack.peek()                  // View top element
stack.empty()                 // Check if empty
stack.search(element)         // Find position
stack.size()                  // Get size
stack.clear()                 // Remove all elements


Queue Operations

// Basic Queue Operations
queue.offer(element)          // Add element
queue.poll()                  // Remove and return front
queue.peek()                  // View front element
queue.size()                  // Get size
queue.isEmpty()               // Check if empty

Deque Operations

// Double-ended Queue Operations
deque.addFirst(element)       // Add at front
deque.addLast(element)        // Add at end
deque.removeFirst()           // Remove from front
deque.removeLast()            // Remove from end
deque.getFirst()              // Get first element
deque.getLast()               // Get last element
deque.peekFirst()            // View first element
deque.peekLast()             // View last element

Recursion Patterns

1. Basic Recursion

void basic(int n) {
    if (n == 0) return;  // Base case
    // Process current
    basic(n - 1);        // Recursive call

2. Multiple Recursion Calls

int fibonacci(int n) {
    if (n <= 1) return n;
    return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);

3. Recursion with Helper Function

int solve(int n) {
    return helper(n, additional_params);
int helper(int n, /* additional parameters */) {
    if (base_case) return value;
    // Process and make recursive calls
    return helper(modified_params);

4. Backtracking Pattern

void backtrack(int[] arr, int index) {
    if (index == arr.length) {
        // Process solution
    for (int i = index; i < arr.length; i++) {
        // Make change
        swap(arr, index, i);
        // Recurse
        backtrack(arr, index + 1);
        // Undo change (backtrack)
        swap(arr, index, i);

5. Divide and Conquer

T divideConquer(problem) {
    if (problem is small enough) {
        solve directly
    // Divide
    subproblems = divide(problem)
    // Conquer
    subresults = []
    for (subproblem : subproblems) {
        result = divideConquer(subproblem)
    // Combine
    return combine(subresults)